The show started with ladies with umbrellas.

Later there was acrobat girl.

Hosts of the evening.

James Bond with groupies.

Then there was a russian couple, they have changed their clothes about 10 times in 5 minutes.



A guy riding bicycle.

Her Majesty’s Guards.

A girl with balls on the couch.

School girls.

Punk acrobats.

Hosts again.

Final song.

That’s it!

It was worth visiting it.
For info:
You can reserve a ticket in advance or just buy it before the show.
Inside you can order a dish from a small menu and various drinks.
The meal with one drink costs 25 EUR.
How to get to Apollo?
You can take a tram to Landtag/Kniebrücke stop and you will see it from there - it’s right under the bridge.